Left Coast Voices

"I would hurl words into the darkness and wait for an echo. If an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight." Richard Wright, American Hunger

Archive for the tag “Rhondajo Boomington”

You’re Perfect – by RhondaJo Boomington

It is with sadness that I write my last post for Left Coast Voices.

I have enjoyed our Saturday chats. Of course, I had expectations that our time together would be longer. But, who knows, the way the Universe unfolds, perhaps we shall meet again at a different time in a different space. I am beginning a weekly blog entitled sappysoutherner. You can find me at http://sappysoutherner.wordpress.com/

When I joined the Left Coast Voices, the stated expectations were no racism, no sexism, no homophobia and no discrimination. Perhaps I was naive, but with those guidelines, I had differing expectations than what has occurred.  The time has come for me to say goodbye to Left Coast Voices.

The primary explanations of why I am leaving were posted as a comment to the feminism blog this week and I do not feel a need to respond further.

I’ll leave you with an intriguing adventure I had this week.

On Sunday night, I attended the East Bay Open Circle satsang in Berkeley. Benjamin Smythe, whom I had never heard of, was the speaker for the evening.

Before Sunday night, Pema Chodron was my all-time favorite teacher. Now it’s Benjamin Smythe (even though he may cringe at being called a teacher).

Ben travels around the world, holding a sign that says “You’re Perfect.”

He is neither selling anything nor buying anything. Just spreading his message.

I spent a few hours with him on Wednesday. Sitting on UC Berkeley campus, holding the sign.

It was delightful to spend time with him. And to see the responses (and non-responses) of people passing by.

So, as I say goodbye, I’ll leave you with, perhaps the most important message of our day

Benjamin Smythe at UC Berkeley


RhondaJo Boomington is a Southern transplant from North Carolina. She landed in the haven of Berkeley six years ago and never plans to leave. Formerly a fundamentalist who voted for Jesse Helms many times, she now relishes her liberal lesbian life in the Bay Area and is frustrated that Obama is a bit too conservative. She has earned a J.D. and an MDiv., and performs in the Bay Area as a stand up comedian and solo performance artist. She can be reached at rhondajoboomington@yahoo.com .  Watch for RhondaJo’s new blog sappysoutherner on wordpress.com and her upcoming debut on twitter as sappysoutherner.

Fat liberation – by RhondaJo Boomington

Buddah Seems Happy - and Not Thin

I attended a Fat Liberation class on Monday night. I had never even heard of such of thing and had no idea what to expect.

Even more intriguing to me was the fact that it was held at East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland (EBMC).

EBMC opened it’s doors about five years ago – specifically to welcome those who are often not welcomed at many local Buddhist Centers – specifically people of color; LGBTQI folk (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and intersex) and people whose disabilities make a traditional sit challenging. And, amazingly, all of their programming is offered on a donation basis – insuring that economic circumstances do not hinder anyone’s ability to participate.

What a model for the rest of the world!

So, off I went to Fat Liberation class. After all – in every Buddhist group of which I have been a part of (and that’s quite a number), the people (except for me)  were exclusively thin. Very thin.  I’ve always thought it rather humorous that all of these thin people quietly sit around breathing. And almost always there’s is a statue somewhere around of a Buddha with a fat belly. But in my experience, many of these Buddhists haven’t achieved a state of non-attachment when it comes to prejudices against those who are not thin (sounds like great material for a future comedy routine : )

So, on Monday night – for the first time in my life, I sat in a room of about 25 people. None of whom were thin. And all of whom were meditating together. No longer “the other.”

It was a very intriguing and healing experience.

I do realize that perhaps the majority of people reading this post are thin. I am writing this post because I believe that the most powerful part of my Fat Liberation evening many be beneficial to you. Yes you.

I challenge you to spend ten minutes of your time expanding your horizon.

Here’s the simple instructions. Find another person. Sit (or stand) facing each other. For five minutes, one person (person A) will ask a question. The other person (person B) will answer. Person A then says “thank you” (and absolutely nothing more). And Person A asks the question again. Person B answers. Person A says “thank you.” And asks the question again, etc. At the end of five minutes, the two switch roles.

Now – here’s the question. “What would it be like if you offered kindness to your body. Just as it is. In this moment?”

When the instructor explained this exercise, I’ll admit. I rolled my eyes. And thought that this was one of the dumbest things I had been asked to do in a long time. But I did it. And I’m so glad that I did. It was so illuminating. And,from the discussion afterward, it was for everyone in the room.

Go ahead. It’s just ten minutes. It may transform the relationship you have with your body.

Compassion for Everyone - Including Yourself


RhondaJo Boomington is a Southern transplant from North Carolina. She landed in the haven of Berkeley six years ago and never plans to leave. Formerly a fundamentalist who voted for Jesse Helms many times, she now relishes her liberal lesbian life in the Bay Area and is frustrated that Obama is not liberal enough. She has earned a J.D. and an MDiv., and performs in the Bay Area as a stand up comedian and solo performance artist.

RhondaJo Performing

Just a quick note to let you know that RhondaJo will be performing her comedy act on Monday in Berkeley. Insider rumors suggest that her act is “Church Night – Southern Style .v. Bay Area Lesbian Style”.I Kind of speaks for itself!

RhondaJo performing Monday

In the words of Marga: “Rhonda Jo Boomington AKA The Sappy Southerner returns to Marga’s Funny Mondays with more wild stories told in her winning drawl.”

RhondaJo will be one of five  comics performing with all kinds of topics. It will be a great night!

Monday June 20 – 8pm  (doors open at 7:30)
2120 Allston Way (between Shattuck and Oxford, 1 block from Berkeley BART), Berkeley

I will be in SF for a board meeting at Hillel, the non profit that I run. Sorry to miss it, RhondaJo. Break a leg!


Alon Shalev is the author of The Accidental Activist (now available on Kindle) and A Gardener’s Tale. He is the Executive Director of the San Francisco Hillel Foundation, a non-profit that provides spiritual and social justice opportunities to Jewish students in the Bay Area. More on Alon Shalev at http://www.alonshalev.com/and on Twitter (#alonshalevsf).

Introducing RhondaJo Boomington

Left Coast Voices is proud to share that our Saturday slot will now feature RhondaJo Boomington. RhondaJo brings a sharp Southern wit to the team. In a recent post, I asked what we could do to improve Left Coast Voices and the lack of a woman’s voice was what seemed to be most prominent.

RhondaJo Boomington

RhondaJo hails from North Carolina and relishes her liberal life in Berkeley. The past decade has been a series of adventures as she transitioned from a fundamentalist Southern wife to a Bay Area single artist.

Though she never went to a movie theater until she was 30 years old (because it was perceived as sinful), she is now building a reputation as a stand-up lesbian comic and performance artist in Berkeley and San Francisco.

She tells me that she voted for Jesse Helms a number of times and now, though an Obama supporter, finds herself increasingly frustrated  because he’s not liberal enough.

RhondaJo grew up in an extremely conservative independent fundamental Baptist blue collar world – and remained within it until she was in her mid-30’s. Bucking the trend, she earned a BA in Sociology, and later a J.D. (she is a member of the North Carolina Bar) and a Master of Divinity degree.

She hass worked in the legal arena focusing on children’s rights, custody issues and domestic violence. As a chaplain, she’s worked in trauma hospitals, specializing in intensive care and the psychiatric units. As a counselor she’s worked in residential settings with young teenage girls who have worked in the sex trade and have been incarcerated for drugs.  Young men who are HIV positive and seniors dealing with mental health issues while transitioning into assisted living.

After an injury sidelined her a couple of years ago, she told me that she spends considerable time pondering how fundamentalists and liberals are so diametrically different but yet sometimes so weirdly similar. The only thing that she’s certain of is that she’s too Berkeley for North Carolina – but maybe too North Carolina for Berkeley.I am sure that she is quite Left Coast enough for our blogging community.

With not quite both feet in the Bay Area, RhondaJo is clear that she n ever plans to leave her beloved Berkeley. I know how you feel. Welcome Aboard, RhondaJo. I’m excited that you have joined our team.


Alon Shalev is the author of The Accidental Activist (now available on Kindle) and A Gardener’s Tale. He is the Executive Director of the San Francisco Hillel Foundation, a non-profit that provides spiritual and social justice opportunities to Jewish students in the Bay Area. More on Alon Shalev at http://www.alonshalev.com/and on Twitter (#alonshalevsf).

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